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Accessibility Matters Campaign

David Rice
Event Location:
Digital Campaign
Event Host(s):
David Rice, Disability Portfolio Strategist, Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion

During this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), this year not only marks the 75th observance NDEAM but also the 30th anniversary of the passing of the American Disability Act (ADA). This year both milestones are being commemorated with an "Accessibility Matters" campaign that demonstrates the importance of accessibility for people with disabilities.

2020 has been especially important in demonstrating why accessibility matters to everyone. To spread awareness, you can become an active participate of the “Accessibility Matters” movement by virtually sharing how accessibility has impacted you directly or indirectly. Want to join the campaign!? Follow the instructions below:

  1. Print or download the "Accessibility Matters." campaign flyer.
  2. Write or type why and how accessibility has impacted you either at NIH or in personal settings.
  3. Post the flyer with a photo of yourself holding it (optional) on social media, using the hashtags #AccessibilityMatters #NIH @EDI_NIH
  4. You can also send it to, please send it with the subject line: "Accessibility Flyer" with your name and your IC.